Care Optometry
1401 North Saginaw Blvd.
Saginaw, TX 76179
Phone: (817) 306-9400

Please rate your impression using the following scale:
5.Very Good | 4. Good | 3. Average | 2. Poor | 1. Very Poor

Name Email Phone Number

Waiting Room

Reception Desk

Exam Room

Please rate the friendliness and professionalism of our front desk staff

Please relate your observations as it pertains to the doctor

How do you rate the wait time?

Please relate your observations as it pertains to our front desk staff (specific staff names will be helpful)

How likely are you to recommend our office to family or friends?

Was your exam thorough?

Was the staff at the vision center/dispensary knowledgeable?

Was the staff at the vision center/dispensary courteous and friendly?

Are you happy with your glasses/contacts?

How did you hear about us?